What am I opening my heart to?
Day 3

Deepening my connections with those who I truly trust and value
Leaning my head on someone else's shoulder, and not just being the shoulder to lean on
Spontaneity and adventure...and more adventure!
Trusting and following my intuition
Laughing ridiculously whenever I choose to
Sharing more and withholding less, respectfully and lovingly
Yet, listening more, and deeply, so when I share it is as thoughtful as it can be with what I have in that moment
Telling people I love them more often
Deeper faith
Receiving compliments
Quality time with those I love, as much as possible
Feeling deeply, and riding the wave of those feelings, "good" or "bad"
Listening to opinions and voices that differ from mine with a little more compassion
More reading, and less watching
More doing, not just speaking
Healthy boundaries that honor my truth
Getting to know me a little better
Wearing "special" things on non-special days
Doing "special" things on non-special days
Telling myself how much I love ME
Surrender more, worry less
Life working in my favor
Doing things differently
Trusting in timing and my unique journey
Seeing romance in the simplest of things
Feeling good just to feel good
More hugs
Sincerely understanding
More compassion
Shining more
Counting my blessings
Prosperity as a way of living (not solely tied to money)
Ease and less resistance
Focusing on abundance
A consistent prayer and meditation practice
Radiating more
Letting things flow - knowing when to release, and knowing when to recieve
Being the woman I dream of being