Step or fall into place?

So often we focus on how life will "come together" or, are we where we "need to be". All too often this analysis is with the lens of what is transpiring in our lives, often viewed as what is "happening to" us in our lives. We often sit back (uncomfortably and anxiously) waiting for "things to fall into place"
These happenings are usually the stuff from the outside - the latest trip we did or did not take; the job that we are thriving in or obsessing endlessly to get out of; or the perfectly planned day of events that went perfectly imperfect. Either way, we are generally consumed by all that is happening that we don't pause, breathe and look with another lens. Instead of blaming the difficult coworker, the bad weather that cancelled plans, or the missed turn that caused you to be 30 minutes late to brunch, how about taking a breath?
Pause and breathe.
Pause and breathe.
We can breathe in that this "thing" sucks and we can dwell on it. Or, we can breathe in that it "sucks" and release it. With each pause, with each breath, we take a step into conscious action, conscious choice - will we allow life to happen to us or will we knowingly dictate the reaction we have to the happenings? We can choose to step into our emotions with an observing eye versus falling with them like a sharp drop on a rollercoaster.
We can choose. Do we create intentionally or react haphazardly?
Falling can be invigorating, dramatic...a rush. Steps can be methodical, a process of tested patience. There is something funny about movement though. With a little bit of conscious effort, 1500 steps turn into 3000, then 7500, and before we know it our average daily step count is over 10,000 steps. Life moves no matter what we do, however, the journey can be so much more fruitful if the steps are made with intention.