Courage is...
Day 14
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage" Anais Nin

Showing up even when you just want to be curled up in bed
Trusting your inner voice
Abiding by your boundaries, even if they don't resonate with others
Sharing a personal story with someone you never shared with before
Showing your softer side when you're known to be strong
Showing your stronger side when you're known to be soft
Stepping into change consciously for the advancement of you
Speaking your truth, even if it means upsetting or losing someone
Loving unconditionally
Allowing those you love to change and grow into their best selves
Taking the small steps that lead to large shifts
Doing what no one thought you could do
Living your purpose (and making it through the hills and valleys until you realize it)
Letting go
Being in healthy relationships with others
Releasing so you can receive...saying no, until you find your yes
Self exploration
Doing something that scares you, but trusting it will work out
Forgiveness (especially of self)
Releasing anger
Willingness to be uncomfortable if it leads to growth
Choosing your values over pleasing others
Being kind to those may not be so kind
Surrendering to change
Self acceptance
Being comfortable being the one who is "different"
Sharing your dreams with others
Tackling something for the first time
Asking for help
Self accountability
Knowing better and then doing better
Sharing your dreams with others
Following your intuition
Analyzing your choices and being truthful about your intentions
Knowing when to say no
Knowing when to say yes
Standing in "it" rather than running from "it"
Being your biggest fan
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Brene Brown